Sunday, May 12, 2013

83. The James Halperin Collection (2)


You cannot call yourself an R. Crumb Fan
if you do not visit THIS WEBSITE:

One of several spool heads in the collection

Our hats are off to Mr. Halperin
(and his wife, Gayle.
(And our Envy Meter has blown several fuses.)

What a glorious collection!

82. The James Halperin Collection (1)

Okay people,
you NEED to check out this website:

"Welcome to the Private Collection

of Jim & Gayle Halperin..."

We know WE were!

 As you can see, a veritable goldmine of gorgeous
Old-Old-School Crumb Girls!
(And other great stuff!)

Sure some of this stuff might be in the
Crumb Sketchbooks (Zweitausendeins)...